Use the frequency and layer thickness/Dk. 39, can take many geometric shapes, with the rectangle, square, and circle being the most common. The patch may be in a variety of shapes, but rectangular and circular are the most common. The substrate parameters. Feed methodsSlot coupled microstrip patch antenna, shown in Figure 1. Microstrip patch antennas are used for communication purposes especially in military and civil applications. The simulated impedance bandwidth of about 219. These radio frequency calculators help with unit conversion, attenuator design, antenna design, radars, and various other basic calculators. Calculates dimensions of circular microstrip patch antenna, provided frequency, relative permittivity and height of substrate. 70 dB and −25 dB at frequency 300. 03/10/2007: Online microstrip patch antenna calculator added in the TutorialsTools section. Figures 14. 5 dBi. 1 to 10. The designed antenna is realized using microstrip line feed on a 1. 2. This design approach helps analyzer microstrip inset-fed patch antennas and helps to locate the exact inset length for 50-? input impedance. Microstrip Patch Antenna Calculator - This calculator calculates the length and width of a patch antenna based on the frequency, dielectric constant of the dielectric and the height of the thickness of the patch antenna substrate. In this paper a simple microstrip patch antenna is designed in CST Microwave Studio at a resonant frequency of 2. In fact, striplines often make components such as band-pass filter's more accurately, with more symmetric roll-off and no lower cutoff frequency. The resonant frequency (rf) of a circular patch antenna is approximately given without considering the effect of probe radius by [1]: e r nm r a K c f 2S H * (1) where a e = effective radius of the circular patch c = velocity of light in free. The work is of practical importance for microwave researchers and. 76SR composite as a substrate. J. A low return loss of -33 dB, a VSWR of 0. Your valuable opinion : Avg. Microstrip is a single trace on the top layer, with no ground close to it on the same layer. The patch antenna is constructed from a 2D rectangular sheet of width (y span) 11. The microstrip patch antenna consists of a very thin ( t˝ o) metallic strip (patch) placed above the ground plane and separated by a dielectric material called substrate. Khidhir et. A simple tool to calculate parameters for an edge fed/inset fed/probe fed patch antenna or microstrip antenna. 1. Taohua Chen, Yueyun Chen, Rongling Jian, 2019, A wideband differential-fed microstrip patch antenna based on radiation of three resonant modes, Hindawi Int. In 12, a dual-band antenna with an average gain of 2. The microstrip. It is a user-friendly tool that allows designing and simulating microstrip patch antennas with ease. Matlab/Freemat file 1. Shorting Pin At the Feed to a Patch. 6mm×5. For example, if you wish to input "25000000", just type "25M" instead. Description. 1. 2 MHz (5. With the truncated corners, the array as multiple frequencies with S11 less than or. The results obtain that microstrip patch antenna can be used as client antenna in computer and workable antenna for wireless fidelity. The microstrip antenna is either fed with a microstrip line or cable. The fields in this region can be modeled as a transmission line section or a cavity giving rise to the designations transmission line model and cavity model. 9. 3 Proximity Coupling 2. Figure 1. 45GHz. Apr 16, 2021. 4. Figure 1a shows configuration of microstrip antenna with S coupled metamaterial superstrate. 4 KE, 1. Use the patchMicrostripCircular object to create a probe-fed circular microstrip patch antenna. The antenna is designed using 1. You can use this online calculator to find the approximate values. Coupling of the slot to the dominant mode of the patch and the microstrip line occurs because the slot interrupts the longitudinal current flow in them. 58–0. Subsequent investigation [2], [3], [4] found the achievable pattern bandwidth of U. This means that on each side of the feed line there should be a distance of 1/2 the microstrip width on each side of the microstrip between the microstrip feed line and the patch antenna. This is based on the height, dielectric. 86 mm and length x span) 9. It is possible to match the patch antenna from below 30Ω to above 200Ω. A stacked microstrip patch antenna with two parasitic patches, which is suitable for use in arrays and can be integrated with circuits, was proposed in [5]. Firstly you had to determine target frequency and substrate material. 636 THz band. Along the slot line, the electromagnetic wave encounters the substrate and the air, which serve as its transmission medium. The circular microstrip patch antenna's lowest mode is the TM 11 which produces a radiation pattern that is very similar to the lowest order mode of a rectangular microstrip antenna. Does anyone have an idea about the wave port or lumped port in hfss ,which should be used especially for microstrip patch antenna in uwb range i. This means that on each side of the feed line there should be a distance of 1/2 the microstrip width on each side of the microstrip between the microstrip feed line and the patch antenna. Use the patchMicrostripTriangular object to create a triangular microstrip patch antenna. In the place of. 4 GHz-2. This calculator can calculate the impedance and propagation delay of any microstrip by taking its respective height, width, thickness & dielectric constant. Here's a tip on an easy way to calculate the radius of a circular patch antenna from a rectangle patch antenna, from Dan: Lately I've been working on a dual band dual polarized AESA for a mobile weather radar for those guys who like to chase tornadoes. Pasternack's RF Calculators and Conversions section provides engineers valuable and easy-to-use tools ranging from complex mathematical formulas to simple conversions. The microstrip patch antenna design is accomplished by following steps [5][6]: Step 1: Calculation of the Width of patch (W) The width of patch is given by (1) √ (1) Where, c is free space velocity of light. Their impedance bandwidth is typically 1–2%. The FR-4 dielectric board as well as the soldered SMA connectors were supplied by the chamber lab. “Microstrip Patch Array Antenna with Inset Fed and Perturbation for a 3 GHz S-Band Coastal. A slot or gap with a conducting coating on a dielectric substrate makes up a slot line, a form of transmission line comparable to CPW. This antenna does not take any much extra size and can be etched on the same mobile PCB itself. 6 mm. Name is the property name and Value is the corresponding value. Real Hams review new sites. 913–922 914 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015the values of the proposed microstrip antenna . Patch Antenna Calculator (. If the feed is located closer to the edge of the patch the input impedance will be high, if the feed is located closer to the center of the patch the impedance will be low. 412 h W h W L h reff reff 60 S O o o f c Leff L 2. The microstrip patch antenna calculator determines the length (L) and width (W) of a rectangular microstrip patch antenna for a given resonant frequency or vice versa. While copper is overwhelmingly used as the radiated part in microstrip antenna design studies, the choice of dielectric material offers a wide range of possibilities. 86 dB at the frequency of 2. The antenna factor describes the connection between the electric field intensity E around the antenna and the antenna's voltage output V. The feeding mechanism employs a circular capacitive structure to improve the impedance matching, specifically for microstrip patch antennas on thick dielectrics. Fig. In the circular case, instead of the operating frequencies being related to rectangular resonances, they will be related to circular resonances defined by cylindrical Bessel functions. J. Microstrip Patch Antennas Slide 36 A microstrip antenna with overall dimensions of =0. 588 mm possessing a refractive index of 1. Description of the original designs. The fields surrounding an antenna are divided into 3 main regions: Reactive Near Field. In summary, the design process for the coaxial probe placement is simple: Select an operating frequency and stackup. A microwave brain imaging system model is envisaged to detect and visualize tumor inside the human brain. These two layers are separated by a ground plane with a slot, which provides coupling. Fig. Coupling of the slot to the dominant mode of the patch and the microstrip line occurs because the slot interrupts the longitudinal current flow in them. Disadvantages include: Limited bandwidth (usually 1 to 5%, but much more is possible with increased complexity. Its resonant frequency is 1. 3. 04/03/2007: Microstrip Patch Antenna: From Simulation to Realization added in the TutorialsTools section. [6] Putranto, Prasetyo, Mashury Wahab, Topik Teguh Estu, and A Flowchart. 2. The Microstrip Patch Antenna Calculator is a powerful tool that enables engineers, students, and researchers to calculate the dimensions of a microstrip patch antenna quickly and accurately. A microstrip patch antenna can be designed, various methods are there: 1. - MicroStrip Calculator - Cascaded Noise Figure Calculator - Resonant Frequency Calculator - Skin Depth Calculator. This antenna has wide. This kind of antenna is easy to fabricate with involvement of very less capital. The Coaxial feed or probe feed is one of the most common techniques used for feeding microstrip patch antennas. Wilson, Graduate Student Radar and Communications Lab Department of Electrical Engineering Penn State University, State College, PA. P B = Power output of Port 3. Fig. Use our free online app Microstrip Patch Antenna Calculator to deztermine all important calculations with parameters and constants. 6K Downloads. 2 Simulation Results 3. Microstrip patch antennas represent one family of compact antennas that offer a conformal nature and the capability of ready integration with communication system’s printed circuitry. 05 GHz) with the average gain of 6 dBi. 4 Aperture Coupling 3 Chapter Three: Methods of Analysis 22 3. 0 mm. 2 Circular patch antenna with solid probe feed a Top view b Side view IET Microw. The proposed antenna shows that the dualband operation depends on gap between parasitic element, split-ring resonator, length and width of microstrip line. Moreover, based on the simulation, the antenna with the. In this example, you create a 2x2 patch array on FR4, analyze the antenna, and generate Gerber files of the PCB for prototyping. A microstrip calculator (Rogers) indicates FR4 might have 3 dB/m of attenuation and a Q of about 150 at 3 GHz, so you might be losing half the power in the patch if the bandwidth is 40 MHz (Q of 75). It consists of the design, analysis, simulation & t. The length L of the rectangular patch for the fundamental excitation mode is slightly less than λ/2. The patch antenna is designed for 2. An individual microstrip antenna consists of a patch of metal foil of various. 36 GHz) is. 14-5. The construction of balun feed line is adopted to provide wideband. e. 2 MHz (5. 4. MPA calculator Structure of the proposed MPA with all values of measured dimensionsspecific types of microstrip antennas. Firstly you had to determine target frequency and substrate material. 09. 14% and 17 dBi, respectively for FBW and Gm considering double resonances in the operating band (i. An analysis problem refers to. 0×4. However, the fringing fields which are responsible for radiation are shorted on the far end, so only the fields nearest the transmission line radiate. 6, Dielectric Height isD = Antenna dimensions (Can be the length or diameter of the antenna) f = Signal Frequency. com This tool calculates the dimensions of the microstrip patch antenna given the operating frequency and the dielectric constant of the material used, or the velocity of propagation of the signal. Therefore, microstrip patch antennas are persistent competitors for numerous wireless communications application programs. The antenna is fed by a microstrip line designed for a frequency of 2. 3. Basic layout of rectangular patch antenna. If the ratio (L/W) is close to unity, the radiation pattern will be symmetric but may not provide a resonable input impedance. 76 Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook patch periphery onto the ground plane. The radiation pattern of microstrip or patch antenna is. 2. It is found that antenna resonates at two distinct. 575mm is used in the simulation process. 4GHz and 12GHz using HFSS simulator software for various WLN (Wireless Local Area Network) applications, Bluetooth, and IoT communications. 2. The microstrip calculator determines the width and length of a microstrip line for a given characteristic impedance (Zo) and electrical length or vice versa. λ 20 - wavelength for 20 ohm microstrip line (wavelength in wide patch seems to be similar to wide low-impedance microstrip line) Then use L for both patch width and patch height. Feed methods (antenna-transmission line interface) are critical for optimum performance. TheA microstrip asymmetric folded dipole antenna on chip is proposed in this paper. In 13, a three-band frequency reconfigurable antenna has been proposed for a. The fabrication procedure for slot lines is the same as that for microstrip lines. 1. The proposed antenna resonates at 27. 123456. After developing a basis of understanding in antenna theory and the. gold) [4]. The length of the exciter is 139. 6: 38–41. 3 0. A compact and efficient microstrip patch antenna is used in the imaging technique to transmit equivalent signal and receive backscattering signal from the stratified human head model. This paper presents a design, maximization, and simulation of a dual-band amended U-slot microstrip patch antenna for WiMAX/WLAN application. Our RF calculators and converters will provide the figures you need for your radio frequency engineering needs. Circular microstrip antennas are used as low-profile antennas in airborne and spacecraft applications. This paper presents a high-band microstrip antenna of dimension (5 × 5 × 1) mm 3 for 5G wireless mobile communications ranging up to 40–45 GHz. The proposed design is created with the substrate with FR4 epoxy under dielectric constant 𝜀𝑟=4. RF. The passive antenna is a critical part of any wireless communications link, for both transmit and. Calculate the edge input impedance for the antenna. Consider a dipole antenna from the Antenna Toolbox™ with an operating frequency of 75 MHz and corresponding wavelength of 4 m. 45 GHz) and 5G band (3. 25mm. They are mostly used at microwave frequencies. 04/02/2007: Ansoft Designer Planar EM Simulation of a microstrip transmission line added in the TutorialsTools section. 264 0. 5 mm, and based on a ground plane as shown in Figure-1. 2 GHz, The radiation efficiency, gain and directivity of proposed antenna are presented at 2. GitHub is where people build software. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In summary, the design process for the coaxial probe placement is simple: Select an operating frequency and stackup. RF calculations and conversions include metric-standard, link. Figure 1. Microstrip Patch Antenna Calculator. More than 100 million people. Wilson, Graduate Student Radar and Communications Lab Department of Electrical Engineering Penn State University, State College, PA. The reactive near field ad the radiating near field. 45-2. 52 from 46 votes. with permittivity 2. This paper presents a bi-port, single-layered (planar), dual circularly polarized (CP) patch antenna with improved interport isolation for S-band satellite telemetry and telecommand applications. 1,283. Z 0 = Single Ended Impedance. , NameN=ValueN. Where the dimensions of the patch along its length have been extended on each end by ∆L. Index Terms-Microstrip patch antenna, MATLAB calculator, CST, 2. Free Space Path Loss Calculator. However, microstrip antennas have several disadvantages, including a limited bandwidth of operation, low gain, and surface-wave losses. 1 Microstrip Line Feed 2. Microstrip patch antennas gains an advantage over other microwave antennas in the area of portability as these antennas. 3. The microstrip patch antenna calculator determines the length (L) and width (W) of a rectangular microstrip patch antenna for a given resonant frequency or vice versa. A. Overview of Microstrip Antennas Also called “patch antennas” One of the most useful antennas at microwave frequencies (f > 1 GHz). 15 to 5. Tech. GUI to calculate parameters and plot patterns of Microstrip Patch. As seen here:The goal of this article is to present an analytical solution to the feeding mechanism for a microstrip patch antenna fed by a vertical probe. A patch antenna works by creating a field between a patch’s edges. In summary, the design process for the coaxial probe placement is simple: Select an operating frequency and stackup. Horn Antenna 2 Chapter Two: Microstrip Antenna 16 2. The proposed model also assesses the. 7 (13) 11. 2, is operating at 10GHz. It is examined on a polyamide substrate with a thickness of 81. Electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structure is. 4 GHz operation on a substrate with 2. Tripathi1 and Rahul Rishi2 1Department of ECE, University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra – 136119, Haryana, India; sonia 990@gmail. 9, pp. Equation 11. This calculator is essential for engineers, students, and researchers in the field of wireless communication. This article presents an accurate full analytical model to assess the impedance response of a proximity-coupled microstrip patch antenna (PC-MSPA). The dorminant TM 10 mode which the patch antenna radiates upward from the ground plane is excited by(a) A rectangular patch microstrip antenna fed with a microstrip edge feed. In recent years, the use of microstrip patch antennas have increased because of the inherent advantages. The wavelength of the signal that can propagate effectively inside a microstrip is called the guided wavelength. A nnular Ring Microstrip Patch Antenna with Finite Ground Plane for Ultra-Wideband Applications, International Jo urnal o f Microwave and Wireless Technolo gies, 7 , 2 , 179-184 (2015). 23 GHz. 02. A rectangular microstrip patch antenna is designed and simulated with CST software using 0. Read Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook_Ramesh Garg_2001',open Chap 4, sec. 4:Inset fed microstrip antenna. Create Geometry. An X-band, 12-element array of rectangular microstrip patches was demonstrated for the first time to reflect the main. The easy calculator yields a reasonable approximation of dimensions, to within 5% over the amateur bands, using typical wire gauges ranging from 12-18 AWG. The simulated impedance bandwidth of about 219. November 2023 ∴ Live And Learn. Its key features include a limited bandwidth, low cost, and ease of manufacture. 5 GHz. Full ground plane microstrip antenna without slots and with vertical slots fabricated on FR-4 with a thickness of 1. INTRODUCTION Microstrip antennas basically consist of a radiating patch on one side of a dielectric substrate, which has a ground plane on the other side. Find Microstrip Patch Antenna Calculator at CalcTown. Follow the below steps to calculate the width and length of microstrip patch antenna dimensions for the desired results with the given dielectric material. 04/02/2007: Ansoft Designer Planar EM Simulation of a microstrip transmission line added in the TutorialsTools section. The first layer is about. With package sizes from 15. 4 GHz was created for WLAN applications. 3. The circular microstrip antennas are made up of a circular patch over a ground plane with a substrate thickness h and dielectric constant ε. Description. Method of Moments (MoM) method. There is also a dielectric material placed above the conductor. 57 mm thickness. The patch antenna was. 05λ0It's time for a Microwaves101 Rule of Thumb! For pure alumina (ε R =9. 4 GHz, microstrip line feed. The next higher order mode is the TM 21 which can be driven to produce circularly polarized radiation with a monopole type pattern. h = Dielectric Thickness. 4mm thick FR-4 (lossy)substrate with relative permittivity 4. Hawkeye tag adopts inset-fed rectangular microstrip patch antenna with the patch, edge notch depth (i. 1 GHz to 10. Microstrip patch antenna calculator; Antenna near field and far field distance calculator; Free space path loss calculator . When a Teflon dielectric substrate is used, the resonant frequency is 12. Proximity coupled microstrip patch antennas have been investigated for various applications but research on the positioning and length of the proximity coupled feed is limited. The proposed 2 by 1 element array microstrip patch antenna is shown in Fig. t is the Thickness of track (1 oz/ft2 = 0. Actualizado 7 Oct 2018. To analyse the bandwidth of microstrip patch antenna using novel microstrip line fed with coaxial probe fed on 50 Ohm characteristics impedance at 10. The microstrip antenna specifications include the following. 1. with formulas, which were first derived for microstrip transmission lines, i. The inset-feed is a simple way to excite the patch and allows for planar feeding techniques such as a microstrip line. For example, if you wish to input "25000000", just type "25M" instead. Assume patch antenna is operating in TM_10, then at centre of patch the impedance of the patch antenna is zero and at the edge of the patch the impedance is maximum ( near about 200 ohm practically). The operational characteristics are in the range of 2. The antennas are supported by a rotating mount structure. The feed point is along the length of the antenna. Joined Jul 24, 2007 Messages 33 Helped 1 Reputation 2 Reaction score 1 Trophy points 1,288 Activity points 1,470 patch antenna calc. There are different ways of designing stacked patches, primarily differing in the way their feed is. This parameter is used for the loss calculations. Ver licencia. In this research, a 28 GHz rectangular microstrip patch antenna is designed and simulated. Key Words: Microstrip Patch Antenna, Inset Feeding, Radiation Pattern, Bluetooth. The reactance reaches 0 Ohms at around 2. Whether you are a beginner or expert, this calculator can help you m achine your antenna design for optimal performance. It is possible to match the patch antenna from below 30Ω to above 200Ω. Following equations or formula are used for this microstrip patch antenna calculator. This is a required field. 1. The design is fabricated on the dielectric substrate FR4, which has the dielectric permittivity constant of the substrate (ɛr) = 4. 1. Antenna design. The feed line is given in lower substrate and the coupling between patch and feed is made through the slot (or) aperture in the ground plane. The gain of the designed antenna is 8. ; Kouloglou, A. - Microstrip Patch Antenna Calculator - Wavelength Calculator - RF Power Density and many more. 1). Any book for microstrip antennas should have the formulas you need to find the location of the feed point, to obtain precisely 50Ohm input impedance. Instead of using larger antenna, Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA) is now the first choice of any system designer. The microstrip impedance calculator shown above uses Wadell’s equations for microstrip impedance, which can be found in the seminal textbook Transmission Line Design Handbook. The rectangular microstrip antenna is represented as two slots or apertures (of width W and height h) separated by a low impedance transmission line of length L (see Figure 14. Since they are just patterns of metallization on a substrate, the microstrip device is far cheaper than the traditional waveguide, as well as being more compact and lighter. **Note: All of our calculators allow SI prefix input. Microstrip patch antenna with air gap [16] f. 5. The most common version of printed antenna is microstrip antenna, which consists of a metallic patch above a ground plane. An individual microstrip antenna consists of a patch of metal foil of various shapes (a patch antenna) on the surface of a PCB, with a metal foil ground plane on the other side. We offer frequencies 1575. 9, pp. Based on the traditional genetic algorithm, the study explores different array topologies consisting of the same microstrip patches to optimize the design. The patch cutout for the feed inset should be > 2 times the microstrip width. For a good antenna performance, a thick dielectric substrate having a low dielectric constant is usually desired since it provides a larger bandwidth. 3 and loss tangent of 0. 6 mm. Patch antenna with Slits and Slots With the help of slot size of microstrip patch antenna is reduced as shown in Figure 7 [17]. 1 Resonant frequencyThe results show that the MPA is capable to deal with RL of -38. In order to fulfill the above criteria proper dimensions are being chosen. 2. […] The Microstrip Patch Antenna Calculator is a powerful tool that enables engineers, students, and researchers to calculate the dimensions of a microstrip patch antenna quickly and accurately. A circuit model is introduced to find the. ” Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications. 45/5-GHz WLAN bands with novel harmonics suppression and high gain properties is presented in this paper. The first layer is about 9. [4]. 26 GHz to 2. 004). Below is the standard input impedance of an inset fed patch antenna at 2. 6 mm Table 1. Many modal waves are excited. The antenna is fed by a microstrip line with 50 Ω characteristic impedance and. Fig. pm = patchMicrostrip creates a microstrip patch antenna. There are some advantages to using a microstrip transmission line over other alternatives. Height: Height of the substrate. 1 Microstrip line feed excited rectangular patch antenna a Top view b Side view Fig. (ii) Transmission Line equations: The proposed antenna is designed with the specifications as f o = 2. pAI = design (patchMicrostripInsetfed,4. The proposed antenna is obtained through optimizing the structural parameters of CSRR. , the antenna feeding point [38]), and TL dimensions optimized to 50 Ω impedance matching. Version 2. The values of air, in Figure 4, represent the distance in mm between. Use the frequency and layer thickness/Dk value to determine the antenna size. It should be less than -10 dB for the acceptable operation. everything RF has created a series of RF calculators to help engineers and students with common calculations that they need to conduct frequently. “Microstrip Patch Array Antenna with Inset Fed and Perturbation for a 3 GHz S-Band Coastal Radar. Design of a compact high gain microstrip patch antenna for tri-band 5G wireless communication. 003λ 0 ≤ h ≤ 0. 67 GHz with their return losses at −28, −17, and −22 dB, respectively. As noted above, curved implementa-tions can be made to conform to aircraft hulls. Press Analyze to see the results. 04/02/2007: Ansoft Designer Planar EM Simulation of a microstrip transmission line added in the TutorialsTools section. 02mm and. In this design the substrate RT Duroid was used due to its advantages. 2 mils then, Z d = 96. Relative Dielectric Constant ( εr ): Track Width: mm. but I'm looking at something that has formulas and i want to calculate the width of the feed line not the square patch. Share this resource Share this link with your friends, publish within popular social networks or send it via email. The patch antenna is designed for 2. [Google Scholar] Samaras, T. This example uses a Yagi-Uda antenna with the same dimensions as given in . IEEE Trans. Together, with the increasing number of its users is the continuation of developing the method for more applications. (a) Proposed antenna with C-slot and U-slot (b) Additional patch and additional strip in truncated ground plane. 575mm is used in the simulation process. 01 GHz. pm = patchMicrostrip (Name=Value) sets additional Properties using one or more name-value arguments. The general dimensions are /2, however due to the specific dynamics of the antenna and the fringing fields, the exact dimensions require more careful calculations. 45 * λ 20, 0. 035 mm) h is the Thickness of dielectric. Bessel Lowpass Filter 24 dB/octave; Butterworth Lowpass Filter 24 dB/octave;In this type of feeding techniques, three layers are used upper, ground and lower substrate as shown in Fig. A dual-band microstrip patch antenna (MPA) based on a polarization conversion metasurface structure was designed. 2, the inner conductor of the coaxialA circular microstrip antenna is designed in order to obtain the required parameter responses from 2. Calculation Dielectric Height: Operation Frequency: Result: Microstrip Patch Antennas (or simply patch antenna) are increasingly useful because the antenna is printed directly onto a circuit board. 53 is designed to have a radius of 0. Microstrip patch antenna calculator; Antenna near field and far field distance calculator. Article ID 4656141. A simulation of sixteen (hexadeci) faced microstrip patch antenna design using slit on the edge is discussed here. The work is of practical importance for microwave researchers and engineers. 2 answers. Result: Free Space Path Loss (FSPL) calculations are often used to help predict RF signal strength in an antenna system. As a flat antenna, arrays can have a large aperture, with corresponding high gain, but having low volume and weight. The relation between the R, Zo, and amount of power division is given by the following formula.